According to Joint Circular No. 02/2016/TTLT-BNG-BTP, the procedure for recognizing father, mother, and child are processed as follows:
- The representative mission in the consular region where recognized parent or child resides shall register the recognition of the parent-child relationship between two Vietnamese citizens residing abroad or between a Vietnamese citizen and a foreigner jointly residing abroad.
The registration of recognition of the parent-child relationship between a Vietnamese citizen residing abroad and a foreigner is accepted provided that it is consistent with the law of the host country.
- The applicant for registration of recognition of the parent-child relationship must submit the following documents:
- Registration form for recognition of the parent-child relationship (using the prescribed form).;
- A copy of the birth certificate or extract of the birth certificate (duplicate) if the child has been registered at birth with a competent authority of Vietnam.;
- Certificate of father-child or mother-child relationship issued by a health agency or assessment agency or other competent authority of Vietnam or foreign country.
The said certificate may be replaced by letters, photos, videos, records, keepsakes and other objects proving the parent-child relationship accompanied by a written commitment made by the parents that is witnessed by at least two relatives of the father and mother to certify that they are that child’s parents,
- Within 7 days from the receipt of the complete application dossiers, the consul shall check the received application dossier and post a notice of recognition of the parent-child relationship at the representative mission’s head office. If the recognition of parent-child relationship is correct and in conformity with the law and there is no dispute, the consul shall report it to the representative mission’s head. The representative mission’s head shall sign and issue an original extract of the registration of recognition of the parent-child relationship to the parties concerned.
The parties concerned must be present when carrying out the registration of recognition of the parent-child relationship. The consul shall record the registration of recognition of the parent-child relationship in the Register, and, together with the parties concerned, affix his/her signature to the Register of recognition of the parent-child relationship. The representative mission shall add the parent’s information to the child’s original birth certificate, if any.
Where verification is required, the time limit for registration shall be extended by no more than 15 days.
- If the child is a Vietnamese citizen and his/her birth was registered at a competent authority of Vietnam, after registering the recognition of parent-child, the representative mission must send a notice, enclosed with an extract from the register of the recognition of the parent-child relationship (duplicate) to the civil status registration agency where the child’s birth was registered to record in the birth registration book.