What is a voluntary and progressive marriage?

A voluntary and progressive marriage is a marriage that meets the following conditions:

  • The marriage is established on the basis of a voluntarily decision between the man and the woman, with no obstruction, force or deception involved in the man or the woman in getting married;
  • The husband and wife’s cohabitation and fulfillment of marital and family obligations are voluntary;
  • When the marital purpose is not achieved, the individual spouse or both husband and wife have the right to request the Court to terminate the marriage of either spouse or both spouses, which must stem from the marital relationship no longer being maintained, the affection between the parties has ended, or the conflict has become serious. The State prohibits deception, forcing divorce, and sham divorce. In short, voluntary, progressive marriage is a marriage that meets the voluntariness of getting married, living together, and divorce.
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