What rights do children have?

Children have the following rights:

  • The right to life;
  • The right to have birth registration and citizenship;
  • The right to health care;
  • The right to be cared for and nurtured;
  • The right to education, learning and development of talents;
  • The right to play and recreation;
  • The right to preserve and promote identity;
  • The right to freedom of belief and religion;
  • Property rights;
  • The right to privacy;
  • The right to live with parents;
  • The right to be reunited, establish relations and to have contact with parents;
  • The right to alternative care and adoption;
  • A child has the right to be protected from all forms from sexual abuse and the right to be protected from labor exploitation;
  • A child has the right to be protected from all forms of violence, abandonment and neglect which are prejudicial to his/her comprehensive development;
  • A child has the right to be protected from all forms of trafficking, kidnapping, fraudulent exchange and appropriation;
  • A child has the right to be protected from all forms of unlawful use, production, transportation, purchase, sale, and storage of narcotics;
  • A child has the right to be protected in legal proceedings and during the handling of administrative violations;
  • A child has the right to all forms of priority protection and assistance to escape from the impacts of a natural disaster, catastrophic events, environmental pollution and armed conflicts;
  • A child shall have the right to social security benefits, the right to access information, and the right to participate in social activities;
  • A child has the right to express his/her own opinions and aspirations on all matters affecting children; freedom of association as prescribed by law, suitable to his/her age, maturity and development; and to have his/her opinions and legitimate aspirations listened to, received and responded to by agencies, organizations, educational institutions, families and individuals;
  • A child with disabilities enjoys all the rights of children as well as the rights of people with disabilities as prescribed by law; and is entitled to support, care and special education for functional rehabilitation, self-reliance development and social integration;
  • A stateless child residing in Vietnam or a child fleeing from danger or having refugee status shall be accorded protection and humanitarian assistance and is entitled to search for his/her parents and family members in accordance with Vietnamese law and treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party.
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