Who has the right to request the Court to annul an illegal marriage?

Persons having the right to request the annulment of an illegal marriage include:

  • A person who is forced or deceived into a marriage has, as prescribed by
    the civil procedure law, the right to request by himself/herself, or propose a person or an organization to request a court to annul his/her illegal marriage when the marriage is in violation of the provision that “the marriage must be voluntary”;
  • The wife or husband of a married person who gets married to another person; parent, child, guardian or another legal representative of a person who was married illegally;
  • The state management agency in charge of families;
  • The state management agency in charge of children;
  • The women’s union;
  • When an illegal marriage is detected, other persons, agencies or organizations have the right to propose the above-mentioned agencies or organizations to request a court to annul such marriage. 
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